Your Accufit Sessions are Totally Personalized – For You
Here’s How it Works:
The most comprehensive muscle activation system today, Accufit will target a full range of muscle groups in depth, for the kind of workout you may not be getting on your own. And Accufit is specific – Accufit can target the areas you really want to work on.
Accufit has a proprietary muscle activation process that can target specific muscle groups giving each group what it needs. During an activation sequence, energy flows through the muscles triggering a variety of responses depending on the treatment mode you choose. The result: you get a greater range of muscle movement than you would in your normal workout routine.
Your Accufit program is personalized; it’s unique to you and your needs, whether you’re getting back into exercise or you’re a fitness pro going to the next level. Accufit can be as specific you like; abdomen, flanks, buttocks, thighs…Accufit can target almost any specific muscle group!